Casper Pillow Review In 2023 : A Great Pick For You

I believe you are familiar with the casper brand. Casper was founded in 2014 and initially focused on mattresses. The casper mattress has been called the “most Internet-thinking” mattress. Later it also dealt in bed frames, pillows and other sleep products. Casper Original Pillow is its first pillow, and it is also the product I will introduce today. If you are interested, please continue reading!

Basic Information

casper original pillow basic information

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Price And Delivery

casper original pillow

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one standard pillow : $62.49                two standard pillows : $117 (each $58.5)

one king pillow : $70                                two king pillows : $153 (each $76.5)

Contactless free shipping and returns. You can return the product within 30 days as long as it is in the original packaging and unused. If you choose to keep it, it comes with a one-year warranty.

Pillow Construction

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The entire pillow consists of two parts: the inner pillow and the outer pillow.

The inner part is filled with short coated fibers, which are the source of support. According to Casper, nearly a billion tiny fibers are blown into the pillow. Each curled fiber becomes tighter, providing good support for our cervical spine. Longer silkier fibers in the outer part are softer and increase the comfort of the pillow.

The pillowcase is made of 100% cotton densely woven. The fabric is breathable and keeps you cool even in summer. It is less irritating to the skin, so people with sensitive skin don’t have to worry. The innovative 2’’ gusset design helps keep the filling fluffy and leaves room for movement.

The entire pillow is machine washable. Separate the inner and outer pillows before cleaning. When we unzip the side, we can see the inner pillow (just like a sandwich cookie). For your health, I recommend cleaning it every 3-6 months.

Test Performance

casper original pillow

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Following the instructions, we washed the inner and outer pillows separately 5 times. The pillow did not show any deformation. The pillowcase was slightly wrinkled. After drying, the loose hair disappeared and the pillow became like new again. I pinched the opposite corners of the pillow and shook it to restore fluffiness. This works great. But I have to say that long-term maintenance still requires some patience. (after all, I am very lazy)


We all agreed it had just the right amount of firmness. The casper original pillow is medium-hard and meets the sleeping needs of most people. Its magic comes from the double-layered pillow design. When you first touch the pillow, you will feel as soft as being wrapped in a cloud. But you won’t sink infinitely. The inner pillow cradles your shoulders and neck to provide support.


Overall it’s comfortable. Microfiber mimics the softness and fluffiness of down, but offers more support. The downside is that it has a rustling sound. This should be caused by the movement of the inner pillow. If you are a light sleeper, this will work against you.

Temperature Regulation

Whether it’s day or night, we turn off the air conditioner to test it. I didn’t experience sweating due to heat. Instead, it doesn’t have to be turned over to keep it cool. The cotton cover and filler work together to increase air flow and dissipate heat in a timely manner. But if you are someone who is very afraid of heat, you will need a more specialized cooling pillow.

Sleeping Style

I am a side and back sleeper. The pillow hugs my head perfectly when I sleep on my back. My spine is in a straight line. Unfortunately, it’s not the right height for me as a side sleeper. The original casper’s standard size is slightly taller. My neck was elevated. When I pulled out the inner pillow, the outer pillow was too thin. But it’s worth noting that everyone’s height needs are different. Not the right side sleeping height for me, maybe it is for you.

My partner is a stomach sleeper. He doesn’t need a pillow that’s very supportive. The two-layer design is too tall for it. He prefers thinner, flatter pillows. Most pillows only have side and back sleepers in mind. If you are also a stomach sleeper, we recommend looking for a more suitable pillow.

User Reviews

Amazon sellers have given it more than 8,700 positive reviews. Basically, everyone likes the original casper and thinks it promotes their sleep.

Should You Try It?

Casper original pillow performs well in terms of softness and support. But it’s not for everyone. I would recommend it more for back sleepers. It is best for side sleepers to use an adjustable pillow, such as a coop. It is machine washable, which saves trouble and time. Daily shaking and patting to maintain fluffiness is indeed a chore. (You can think of this as a hand exercise) How well a pillow performs depends on each person’s specific sense of comfort. But overall, casper original pillow is still worth trying.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to fluff my casper pillow?

Yes, you better fluff it every so often. The tiny fibers filled in the casper original pillow only require a quick shake to restore the fluffiness.

How to clean my casper pillow?

Unzip and take out the inner pillow. Zip up the outer pillow. Place both in the washing machine. Wash on gentle cycle with cold water and detergent. Tumble dry on low heat.

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